Eligibility to apply for TNPSC Group 1 Jobs » raceinstitute.in

Eligibility to apply for TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Check Eligibility to apply for TNPSC Group 1
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Age Limit - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Name of the Posts Minimum Age Limit Maximum Age Limit
SC, ST, BC, BCM & DW Category Other than SC, ST, BC, BCM & DW Category
For all the posts except the
post of Assistant
Commissioner (C.T)
21 years 37 years 32 years
 For Assistant Commissioner (C.T.) Posts – Applicants possessing any degree 21 years 37 years 32 years
 For Assistant Commissioner (C.T.) Posts – Applicants possessing B.L. degree of any University 38 years 33 years

Recently, the Commission increased the Age Limit for TNPSC Group I Recruitment. Check more details here.

Age Relaxation - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

(i) For Differently Abled Persons: Differently Abled Persons are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed above.

(ii) For Ex-servicemen.

(a) The maximum age is 53 years for the candidates who belong to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BC and BCM.

(b) The maximum age limit is 48 years for “others” (i.e) candidates not belonging to any of the above said categories.

(c) The above mentioned age concession will not apply to the Ex-Servicemen candidates those who have already been recruited to any class or service or category.

Note: (i) “Others” i.e., candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs who have put in 5 years and more of service in the State / Central Government are not eligible to apply even if they are within the age limit.

Educational Qualification - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Candidates should possess the following or its equivalent qualification

Candidates should possess a degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or any other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.

Note (i) The qualification prescribed for these posts should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the order of studies 10th + HSC or its equivalent + U.G. degree.

Provided that, other things being equal, preference will be given to the candidates, who possess the qualification mentioned against each of the following posts:-

Sl. No

Name of the Post

Preferential Qualification


Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I)

A degree or diploma in Criminology and Forensic Science and also to those who possess National awards for Physical efficiency


Assistant Commissioner (C.T)

1st Preference

A degree both in Commerce and Law together with a Diploma in Taxation laws

2nd Preference

A degree both in Commerce and Law.

3rd Preference

A degree either in Commerce or Law together with a Diploma in Taxation laws.

4th Preference

A degree either in Commerce or Law.


District Employment Officer

Graduate in Economics / Education / Sociology / Statistics or Psychology and to those with Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science and Experience in Industrial / Personnel Management / Labour Welfare. [Candidates to be admitted to the main written examination

[Candidates to be admitted to the main written examination should upload and submit evidence relating to all claims including preferential qualifications, if any, claimed by them when called for.]

KNOWLEDGE IN TAMIL - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Applicants should possess adequate knowledge in Tamil on the date of this notification.

Physical Qualification - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Candidates applying for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service) must possess the following Physical Qualifications.

S.NoName of the PostPhysical Qualification
1Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I)For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height, and not less than 86 cms round the chest on full inspiration and must have a chest expansion of not less than 5 cms on full inspiration.
For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The Chest measurement will not apply to them.
2District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service)For Men: Must be not less than 165 cms in Height, 50 kgs in Weight and not less than 89 cms round the chest on full inspiration and 84 cms (normal) with not less than 5 cms chest expansion on full inspiration. ii.
For Women: Must be not less than 155 cms in Height. The Chest measurement and 50 kg Weight will not apply to them. 6 Certificate for Physical Qualification.

Certificate for Physical Qualification - TNPSC Group 1 Recruitment

Among the applicants to be admitted to the Main Written Examination those who opt for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Category I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Services) should produce certificate from a Medical Officer of/or above the rank of an Assistant Surgeon appointed by the Government to the Government Medical Institution obtained on or after 20.01.2020 containing the following particulars when called for:-



Weight (For the post of District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service) only)


Chest Measurement

(a)On full inspiration

(b) On full expiration

(c) Difference (Expansion)




However, in the case of woman applicants applying for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service), chest measurement and weight need not be specified in the said certificate.

iii. The candidates who fail to produce the Physical Qualification Certificate along with other documents when called for will not be considered for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service). Subsequent claims for those posts will not be entertained.

An applicant selected for appointment to the post of Deputy Collector must satisfy the Medical Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active outdoor work.

An applicant selected for appointment to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service) must satisfy the Medical Board in Tamil Nadu as to his/her physique, fitness and capacity for active outdoor work and must be certified by the Superintendent of Government Opthalmic Hospital in Chennai that his/her vision comes upto the requirements prescribed in the rules without the use of contact glasses.

Candidates with defective vision should upload and submit eye fitness certificate from a qualified eye specialist when called for along with other documents.

vii. The candidates once selected by the Commission to the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (Cat.I) and District Officer (Fire and Rescue Service) based on their option but who failed to satisfy the Medical Board in respect of their Physical fitness will forfeit their selection and they will not be considered for re-allotment to any other posts.

Certificate of Physical Fitness: 

Candidates selected for appointment to the posts included in Group-I Services will be required to produce a certificate of physical fitness in the form prescribed below before his / her appointment:-


Sl. No

Name of the Post

Standard of Vision Prescribed

Form of Certificate of Physical Fitness


Deputy Collector

Standard III or better

Form prescribed for Executive Posts


Assistant Commissioner (C.T).


Assistant Director of Rural Development


Deputy Registrar of
Co-operative Societies

Standard III

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