History One-liner 4 – SSC CGL CHSL MTS Free Study Materials PDF
History One-liner 4 - SSC CGL CHSL MTS Free Study Materials PDF
151) In whose reign Tulsidas wrote Ramcharit Manas?
152) In which city Moti Mosque situated?
153) During whose reign one-rupee coin was minted in Indian?
Shershahi Suri
154) Where did shershah die during war?
155) In which state did loud kaining change the Government’s ‘Company’ to ‘Samrat?
156) Who was the founder of Aligarh Movements?
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
157) In which year did the British merge the state of Punjab with their state?
1849 AD
158) Who established the ‘Asiatic Society’ in Kolkata of the colorized India?
William Jones
159) Against who did Raja Rammohan Roy organized a historical movement?
Sati System
160) Who is related with the title ‘Frontier Gandhi?’ Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan
161) Who first called Gandhi, ‘the father of nation’?
Subhash Chandra Bose
162) Who established the Gadar Party?
Lala Hardayal
163) Which group were related to ‘Tana Bhagat’ movement?
164) Which charter Act, ended the business monopoly between china and East India Company?
Charter Act, 1833
165) Motilal Nehru and Chitranjan Das were the founder member of– Swaraj Party
166) Who took part in the National Congress, belonging to the Dalits in Brussels in 1927?
Jawaharlal Nehru
167) Gandhi–Irwin agreement was signed in– 5 March, 1931
168) Who went South Africa to meet Gandhi ji?
Gopal Krishna Gokhle
169) extent of the Delhi Sultanate empire was the greatest during which reign?
Alauddin Khilji
170) Cabinet mission came to India in– 1946
171) Dandi March Gandhi Ji is an example of what?
Civil Disobedience
172) Who was the political Guru of Gandhi Ji?
Gopal Krishna Gokhle
173) Subhash Chandra Bose defeated whom and elected President of Congress Party in 1939?
Pattbhi Sitaramaiya
174) The famous Quit India movement of Gandhi ji was started in– 1942
175) Which Bahmani ruler built the famous Gol Gumbaj at Bijapur?
Muhammd Adil Shah
176) Who founded the ‘East India Association’?
Dadabhai Naoroji
177) When did Ikhtiyaruddin-bin-Bakhtiyar Khalji invade Bengal?
1206 AD
178) Who gave the motto ‘Go back to the Vedas’?
Swami Dayanand Saraswati
179) Who was the only Governor-General/Viceroy to be assassinated in India?
Lord Mayo